I have cleaned, cleaned, cleaned the past few days. Partially because I know it needs to be done, but partially because I can’t sit still. Am I nesting?? Not really sure, I don’t remember going through this the first round. Either way, it feels nice to have a clean house. I was proud of my self for organizing our linen closet and coat closet this week. Boy, was that a job! I even got rid of a few things! Too bad a yard sale isn’t in my near future.
I am still working on the nursery. That is a never ending job! Most of you would be very shocked at how bad it was in the beginning. I can actually walk across the floor now!! I have things stacked in piles. haha. There is the “get rid of” corner, “give back to various owners” corner, and “new baby clothes” wall. That doesn’t include the craft box and Ian’s box of who knows what that he insists he can’t part with. It’s a box of keepsakes (I have one too, but it’s in a closet at least). The stroller is still in there and a bicycle that I barely rode. Ian’s big chair that he won’t part with is in there (I broke the news that he has to get rid of it), a broken lamp and broken vacuum is still in there. Still so much to do! I probably won’t even get to work on actual baby stuff till March or April! I guess if we could just have an open weekend with nothing planned we could get it done together. Maybe I should schedule that….
The boys have been super cute lately. I am loving this stage they are in. They talk and jabber all the time. I still can’t always understand what they are saying, but usually can. I love that they are playing together more and more. The are playing chase as I type this. I seriously love everything about them!!
I do feel like things are slowly coming together. It’s a nice feeling. Hopefully I can keep you all updated on the progress.
I will say it really does feel good to have things organized....I have always been horrible at it, but I am slowly teaching myself to do better! Happy Blogging sweet friend