Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Potty Training Day 3

Today has been a strange potty training day.  It started out great! For the first 2 hours he had peed in the potty 2 times and 0 in his undies. yay! One of those times he even came up to me saying “poo poo”.  I was SO excited!  His treat today was a smarty each time.  He was SO excited about those.  He could only look at them and smile for the first few seconds.  Too cute!

Well not long after that he had 2 accidents in his undies. Which is still no big deal. I expect this for awhile.   But then he went down for a nap and since then has REFUSED to wear undies.  He will cry and beg for his diaper.  So, right now he is sitting on the couch with me, going bottomless.  Am I crazy? yes. 

****UPDATE (only 5 seconds later)*****

Ian just came home and he got off the couch to see Ian and went and sat on the potty. YAY!! 

Anyways, so the storms were bad today in surrounding areas.  I HATE storms.  I really do.  Always have, probably always will.  The point where the tornado sirens started going off I decided to load the tub with blankets, pillows, and toys just in case we needed to get in.  When it finally started raining hard here, we headed to the tub.  I will clarify, I didn’t get in the tub.  I sat beside the tub.  We had the chance to read 1 story and eat some raisins, then the storm was over.   Since then, Micah has refused to sit on the potty and he has refused to wear undies.  Even after the update above, he did nothing then came to sit with me again.   Not sure why he is so against it today. He really is doing great at this.  I am planning to start back with Ty on Monday.  Hopefully that will go smoothly.


  1. I finally potty trained Cooper by letting him go bottomless...I refused to put a diaper on him or launder any more Undies. =) It finally worked, but I would definely put myself in the crazy pile!!!! Lots of luck on day 4!

  2. Dex did that a lot, where he would be super pumped for a while, and then go into fits the next time. It's hard, they are so moody and fickle. It will get (mostly) better.
