Thursday, December 15, 2011

Tis The Season To Be Jolly…

It’s December 15th and I am not finished with my Christmas shopping yet.  I know this isn’t the first year this has happened, we always have a last minute gift to get or last minute stocking stuffers, but this year I am WAY behind.  It’s driving me crazy!  I am SO incredibly busy and just can’t seem to find time to squeeze shopping in.  I could do it during the day, but with doctors orders that I shouldn’t be doing much or doing any heavy lifting,  that’s out of the question.  I would have to take the boys and that would be more trouble than it’s worth.  They are usually pretty good when we go out but the lifting is a lot! 

I am trying not to stress about this too much. It’s only one year.  Next year will be different and I will be back to my organized self.  I usually have most of my gifts bought and wrapped by December 1st.  Till then, I will just remember that I am doing this to protect this precious little baby.

I am just going to try to enjoy this holiday season.  It will be wonderful spending time with Ian, Ty, & Micah. 

1 comment:

  1. If it makes you feel better...I have hardly nothing bought or wrapped yet. oh well! tis the season!!!
