Sunday, April 22, 2012

She’s Here!!!

Meet Averie Claire.  A big 8 lbs 9 oz.


She arrived at 8:20 April 13th.  Friday the 13th! Good thing I am not superstitious.  I will try to tell the short version of her birth story, but I am sure when I am done it won’t be short at all.

We had to be at the hospital at 5:30am to have the surgery at 7:30am.  The same as when we had Ty & Micah.  Things were a little behind that morning because the anesthesiologist was with another patient.  So instead of being born right at 8 like the boys were,  I was taken in at 7:50 and she was born at 8:20.  Let me tell you, I was SO nervous about having a surgery this time.  I had went through this surgery before and really did have a great recovery.  I actually remember saying maybe even days or weeks after the surgery, “I would totally do this again”.  Sure it was painful, I had been cut open, but I really did have a good recovery.  I was mostly nervous this time because of thoughts of being paralyzed from the spinal.  I remember last time, I jumped when he put the needle in and it made my leg jump. Scary! Thinking back on that, I realized how easy it would be for things to go wrong.  That’s why I was so nervous.  The spinal was a different experience this time.  Instead of hanging my legs off the side of the bed with a nurse between my legs hugging me, I was sitting up in bed with my legs stretched out in front of me, curled over my belly and holding hands with the nurse.  She was great.  She talked me through it and talked me through breathing.  It hurt, I won’t lie, but it is never as painful as my mind plays it up to be.  I was very, very still this time though. I just focused on the breathing.  I really liked the anesthesiologist this time too.  I liked the one I had last time, but this one was great.  Once I got settled on the table  I started getting a little sick.  That wasn’t fun, mostly because I was starting to not be able to feel the lower half of my body and I was starting to feel trapped.  It was fixed very quickly with meds though.  After that they started their pinching to see if I was numb enough to start.  Then I was asked if I felt anything and when I said “no”, the doctor said “good! I just made the first incision”  I could still wiggle my toes at that point and that really freaked me out.  YIKES! Thankfully Ian came in only seconds after that.  I was so glad he was with me again, it was helpful to talk to him and have a little distraction.   Not too much longer the doctor and nurses were talking about how much hair she had and at 8:20 she was born.  We were both SO excited to have her here! 

8 lbs 9 oz.  What a big girl! She is perfect to us.  It’s crazy how fast your little ones fit right in and you can't really imagine life with out them.  I love that Averie is such a snuggle bug.  She wants to be held a lot, which is hard, especially when you have 2 other kids that love to be held too.  She is such a sleepy head right now.  I know that babies sleep a lot, but it just feels like she sleeps so much more that one should.  Everyone always says “babies will wake up and let you know when they are hungry”, well this girl doesn’t always do that.  They say babies should eat every 2 to 3 hours during the day but there are times I have to wake her up at 3 1/2 to 4 hours and we still have to work to keep her awake.  The boys just always woke up hungry every 3 hours.  We have been having nice 5 hour breaks at night too.  It definitely helps me to function better during the day.  My boys have always been excellent sleepers, I am praying that she will be too.

We feel so incredibly blessed with the children God has given us. 

1 comment:

  1. We are so thankful to God for giving us Dexter, Ty, Micah and Isaac as grandsons..and now we are soooo thankful to him for giving us little precious Averie Claire into the mix of boys..God bless her.I've often said either she'll be a tom boy playing with all the boy cousins and her brothers or all the boys cousins and her brothers are going to learn to play house and play with lots of Their dads may say "Oh no". But I imagine there'll be some of both going on. haha..She may be the baby of the family right now, but I think she'll rule the roost when she gets big enough to make all those boys move..What a love...My heart swells and I find myself smiling each time I think of all my grandbabies..Oh what love God has for His children..and I am so thankful for His blessings on my growing family...grandma Treva
