I took Ty & Micah out to play today. It is VERY stressful to me to take them outside to play. We are working on following direction. Anyway, their favorite thing to do it throw balls down the sloped drive way where they end up in the road. They do this over and over and over. They are only allowed to go so far down the yard, so I am having to run to catch the balls before they go in the road. It is a pretty busy road.
So, today when I took them out, it only took 1 ball going down the drive & one car seeing me running like a crazy trying to catch it for me to take them to the back yard. The backyard isn’t terrible, but there are a few muddy spots from the rain.
I promise as I was taking this picture I didn’t realize he had mud on his fingers. It all happened so fast! As I snapped the photo, I realized he had something on his fingers and he was putting it in his mouth. My first thought was that it was poop, I was relieved to see it was only mud!! I did panic for a second though! This is what ended our time outside however. I could hear him munching on tiny rocks so we had to go in to get the mud off. Silly boy!
Oh you can certainly tell your sons love being outside so much..Micah even loves eating a little dirt now and then..I remember you eating a tiny bit when you was their age too..I love seeing the look on their faces..Thanks for putting these pictures up for us grandmas and grandpas to watch them grow..It sure is nice..