Just thought I would post some interesting things we found out at the hospital this week. We had TONS of questions and it was nice to have those answered. We also feel like it is good information for us to have in case this ever happens again. We pray that it doesn’t, but Ian having seizures as a baby raised the chances for it to happen again.
Fevers are uncomfortable, but the main concern is what has caused the fever. We were told that if they get a fever, switch between Tylenol & Motrin to lower it. If it gets really high give them a warm, NOT HOT, not cold bath, put cool wash clothes on them or just take off their clothes and put a fan on them. Make sure they drink plenty of fluids. Seizures are not caused by how high the fever gets, it is caused by how fast it rises. They can also be triggered by the fever dropping too fast. We were also told that the ER won’t do anything to lower it than we would do at home. But, of course, if it raises as high as Tys did…106.2, take them in!
If the seizures happen again, clear the floor around him so he can’t get hurt, don’t put anything in his mouth to keep him from biting his tongue, and pretty much just let it happen. She said as hard as that is to hear, it is safe to have seizures. If it lasts longer than 5 minutes, then we can consider calling 911 to have someone come stop it. I will be honest, I will not be waiting 5 minutes…5 seconds maybe! It was way too scary and I know I will panic! :)
It really did make us feel better to have more knowledge about fevers and seizures. I am sure we will be very nervous any time the temperature rises, but I really am glad I have the knowledge on it that I do.