Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies


I was cleaning out my pantry today to make room for more food and found so many things that need to be used ASAP!  Chocolate chips was one of them.  I of course couldn’t let them go to waste, so cookies it is! :)  I pulled out a recipe I have been wanting to make, but haven’t done yet.  I never make dessert.  I love desserts, but I end up eating too many if they are in my house, so I just never make them.  Thankfully I had all the ingredients to make these cookies.  They actually turned out pretty yummy:)  At least Ty & Micah thought so:)

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Here is Ty & Micah watching Veggie Tales Silly Songs while I am baking. SO CUTE!

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We had friends over to help eat the cookies, then I sent the rest with Ian to work.  I kind of wish I had a cookie today:)


  1. aw, i love those silly boys!! i like their glazed tv faces lol. i feel like that sometimes lol.
    and those cookies look soooo yummy!

  2. ok. i didn't get a chance to ask about the cookies when you put cocoa in them. but you said they were amazing. so now you must post the recipe!!!!
