Friday, September 10, 2010



I think I have mentioned before that I have picky eaters.  It is such a struggle to get them to eat anything.  They will of course eat all the bad stuff such as pizza, bread, and chicken nuggets.  Chicken nuggets aren’t terrible, but it is if that is all they will eat!  So, it hit me today that something has to be done!  At lunch time I go to get the chicken nuggets out and feel very guilty.  It doesn’t help that we need to go grocery shopping.  I did find some meatballs in the freezer and thought I would give that a try.  It’s always hit or miss.  Thankfully they loved the meatballs.  Micah had 6 and Ty had 5.  One meal down, a billion to go. 

I got pretty excited about dinner. I made a roast with potatoes, carrots, and peas. I knew I would have no luck with the potatoes and peas, but I did hope they would at least try the carrots and roast. I get out my secret weapon…ketchup! They didn’t fall for it!  Micah pretty much sucked the ketchup off and spit out the carrot. Ty wouldn’t even try the stuff!  So, I did the one thing I didn’t want to do. I pulled out the chicken nuggets.

All this to say, we are trying something new tomorrow.  Rebekah, my sister does this with her son.  Pancakes with veggies in it. I mixed green beans, lentils, and a sweet potato together with 2 cups of pancake batter.  They love bread, so they have to love this right?  I guess we will see tomorrow!

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  1. Lots of luck sweetie...My almost 8 year old is still a very picky eater...I finally got him to eat baked potatos it's not much but at least it's not french fries =)

  2. Oh gosh.......that looks disgusting. I don't know when I become a mother if I can do that. That is mixing up really gross things. But I do understand they have to get their nutrients and vitamins!! I'm sure it's tough!!

  3. I will be interested to see if they eat them. I don't think I :-) Maybe if you enough jam or syrup on them, to mute the green piece taste. -Jodie
