Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Shred Day 4

I am still doing the Shred video in case any one cares:)  I finished day 4.  Now that the soreness has passed, today was much easier.  Eating healthier has been hard.  I start out the day doing great, but then end up eating a snack thats not so healthy.  I guess I need to plan those better. 

I now have a friend that is doing this with me.  It has actually helped a lot.  We both just do the video at some point during the day, then text each other when we are done to keep each other accountable.  So far it has really helped to have someone to talk to about it. 

The weekend is coming up though and we will be at my brothers house to see my new sweet nephew, Isaac.  I am going to take my dvd with me in case I am able to do it, but I am not going to beat myself up if I can’t. I will just start back on Monday!

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