Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Day 1: 30 Day Shred

Apparently I am on my way to be shredded. That’s what Jullian told me after my workout. Yes, I just finished Day 1, level 1.  It went fine, meaning I didn’t pass out.  I will be honest, I hate working out.  I really wanted to stop after the warm up but I pushed my way through.  I probably actually would have stopped if I had not posted a blog last night about doing this.  I could have just deleted that blog and pretended it never happened, I mean it was almost 1am when I wrote it, but I decided to be strong and do this!

I am already dreading tomorrow.  I know I will be sore.  Plus, I still don’t have the motivation to do this.  I did level one today, but didn’t use hand weights.  I figured I would start using those in a few days.  I am shaking right now, so writing this blog is my cool down period.

If you have never heard of or have never done the 30 day shred it’s a pretty good all over body workout.  It’s Jullian Michaels from Biggest Loser.  Let me tell you, she is tough.  I wish I was that tough:)  It’s a very short workout for someone on a time crunch like me.  I have to be able to work out, take a shower, and accomplish something productive during the boys nap time.  I think warm up, workout, and cool down is only 25 minutes.  That is VERY do-able, why don’t I do it everyday????  To someone like me that does not like to work out and just doesn’t do it very much, the shred is pretty intense.  I love doing it though and feeling like I got a great workout in such a short period of time. 

I have done the shred before but only last about 2 weeks.  Hopefully this time will stick! :)  Good day!


Eating did not go so well for me today.  I started out doing fine, but by lunch time I made a poor choice of having chips with my hotdog AND 12 oz. of orange crush. 

Again at dinner, I probably didn’t do the best on portion control, but the down fall was soda and bread.  I had soda with my meal, we were at someone’s house, and I LOVE soda.  I had one slice of home made bread, but also ate the leftovers of the bread Ty & Micah didn’t eat.  Not good!  Tomorrow is a new day though:)

I will not be staying up late tonight. It is normal for me to stay up till 12 or 1 am.  I do have a headache tonight and I am starting to get hungry again. If I go to sleep hopefully I won’t cave and eat something ;p

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