Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Can it really be a year already??


I guess it can.  In 2 days my babies will be 1 year old! Where has the time gone??? It has been fun thinking back over the past year. In some ways it feels like they have been here forever, in other ways I am still shocked it has been a year. 

I am planning a VERY simple birthday party for them at the park. I can’t wait to post pictures!  It will be just a few family members and a few close friends. 

We took away their bottles this week. It’s almost like that makes it official, that they are now big boys. 


Here is just a picture of them to show their cuteness since I don’t have a lot to say tonight.  I am sure I will have lots to say in the next few days!  I have big plans. Fondant and cake making.  Party decorating.  Family in town!  Good night for now!

1 comment:

  1. i was thinking the other day about how all our little boys are 1 now! it's so crazy! and you're right, now that we know them, it's really hard to imagine a time when they weren't here. except a vague awareness of freedom lol.
