Thursday, August 26, 2010



Today for snack we had smoothies.  This was my first time making them and I wasn’t even sure what I wanted to put in it.  It ended up being a blue berry, banana, squash smoothie:) Squash??? gross I know.  You do what you can to add those veggies though. Ty and Micah REFUSE to eat any veggies that are not a puree.  They can’t eat baby food forever!  They won’t even let me puree veggies myself to feed to them!  It’s insane! :)     Anyways, I wanted to use sweet potato since its sweet, but all I had was squash.  They loved it!  I enjoyed it too:)


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  1. Amen to a little sneaking in the vegis...We have to do that here to =)...I have the Jerry Seinfield's wife's cookbook with all kinds of little tricks of the trades in it!

  2. Well squash does sound very gross, but hopefully it was covered up by all the other fruit!! lol

  3. You could only taste the blueberries really:)

  4. I'll have to try this trick on Ryan. ;-)
