Wednesday, May 11, 2011

DownEast Basics

The MOST awesome thing happened to me…I WON $100 gift card to DownEast Basics!!!  I really never win anything! 

I follow this blog How Does She and they were doing a give away.  I hardly ever enter, I mean, what are the chances I will win??  I would give you the math if I knew, but I don’t.  So, I look it over and think ‘I will enter because there isn’t much work to do to enter, but I will never win’  I only entered because of  (this) really cute swimsuit.  Now, I am a cheapo when it comes to swimsuits.  I refuse to pay over $30.  I guess if there was one that promised to fit perfectly and have the right amount of coverage I MIGHT pay more…but it would have to be PERFECT!  I decided, if I win, I will buy that swimsuit…..

I won!!!!!!

I am not buying that swimsuit:) I looked around and found one that I liked even more for various reasons.  I have a whole list.  This was a hard decision! 

They are also doing this deal where you spend $100 dollars, you get $20 dollars off.  It was real simple.  I spend $120 in gift money and pay maybe $10 of my money for shipping. Excellent!  The decision was harder than it sounds.  I had to make the right choices of course.  There were tons of things I loved, but sadly they didn’t have my size in most everything.  Medium must be a popular size?!! 

Anyways, I was so excited about my purchases, I thought I would share with everyone what I picked out!


I am so excited to get my gifts!! I hope they all fit! 

Oh! and I forgot to say…like 853 people registered to win!  I won!! can you tell I am excited??

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